Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What message are you sending at your booth?

You have only four seconds to attract someone to your booth. In the past, this information was applied to the booth set-up, its graphics, its design and layout. But reason dictates there is most definitely more to it.

All of us make snap judgments. Our minds process information much in the same way computers do, processing it based on experience, and spewing out responses before we even realize it. The most common example would involve meeting new people and immediately deciding you like a person. Or, conversely, you decide that you dislike someone. Why? Because our judgments are based on perception. And lots of different things contribute to those perceptions.

In a trade show booth, you have roughly four seconds to grab that potential customer's
attention. And if you are perceived in a negative fashion, then both you and your company have lost that battle. For during those four seconds, your booth message has been understood and your staff's attitude have been evaluated. How do you appear? Are you making the most positive statement possible?

The results are quite interesting. Our author tells us the latest research into how people are viewed breaks down as follows:
* 55 percent is based on how you look
* 38 percent on the tone of your voice
* only 7 percent by what you say.

In other words, appearance alone can turn someone off so completely that changing their attitude becomes an uphill battle. If your tone of voice is pedantic, holier-than-thou or superior, your words will never get through. Since the smallest part of the perception is your choice of words, if the rest of your message is inconsistent with what you say, you will not be believed.

For those of you fortunate enough to purchase A Smash Hit Display you will find they speak volumes to your customer and are easily understood. We strive to capture that 4 second attention span time with smart graphics that echo our customer's brands and present them in a manner that eliminates the competitive landscape at every show. Further, we offer coaching to those who want to educate themselves before their shows as to proper etiquette, apparel, preparation and follow-up. We want your trade show experience to be as profitable as possible. In order to achieve that goal there must be attention paid to the peripheral materials. Our peripherals include: portable folding booth, banners stands, tradeshow popup exhibit, and custom logo rugs.

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