Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tradeshow Success Tip: Qualify Leads

As any good salespeople will tell you, qualified leads should be a major objective when it comes to attracting new business. This is achieved through proper follow up. Tradeshow exhibitors are no different. But, they often miss those important leads because they have no lead development strategy.

In addition, according to the Center for Exhibition Industry Research, as much as 80% of trade show leads never receive any form of follow-up.

One reason follow up is not performed is due to the time quotient. People view the follow up as tedious work. This produces disappointment and further frustration as you pursue the mind numbing work of trying and failing to get new business from your bag full of tradeshow booth visitors’ business cards. But, that menial task will often separates the successful from the unsuccessful.

For those unwilling to sift through their grab bag of business cards, the attached article points out a different method to persue leads. One key is identifying and classifying hot prospects and the products and services in which they are interested. For the uber lazy out there, you can utilize new sophisticated software packages that allow you to identify a half dozen weighted multiple choice questions in advance that will determine a prospective client's value.

Try this three point process and you'll be able to target qualified sales leads that have the time, budget and wherewithall to purchase your products.

1) Identify the hot leads
2) Filter out those who are not qualified
3) Measure your results.

They seem simple and quite frankly they are. But, following a game plan allows you to build repitition and repitition polish your sales skills.

A Smash Hit Displays want to hone our customers buying talents when it comes to portable trade show displays. For sharpening your sales proficiency will support you not only in generating additional qualified leads, but will also permit you to make educated purchases when it comes to your next trade show events. Some items that might be of interest to heighten awareness for that next booth space include: a portable folding booth, truss designs, trade show hanging banners, or backlit graphic displays.

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