Friday, May 11, 2007

Trade Show Marketing Misery- 10 deadly mistakes that spell disaster

Most people understand a trade show offers great promise. For they are golden marketing opportunities to those who prepare correctly and construct the proper trade show booths.
Many businesses are stepping outside of their traditional box and investing in portable signage because the opportunity to talk one-on-one with potential buyers provides immediate gratification.

Your trade show display if done correctly will heighten your business services or products for the new customer. But in order to construct such a working display space you need to plan ahead.

Planning ahead takes into account the many different obstacles which could arise. If possible, visit the facility prior to selecting your booth space. Walk through the facility looking for potential problems that could inhibit success.

Such problems include but are not limited to:

Food court: Although being located next to the food court could be beneficial, it creates a distraction.

Competition: Don't be suckered into renting a booth that is right next to a competitor.

Accessibility: Ideally, your booth should be near the entrance or exit of the building, or the restrooms, or the main isle. Wherever there is an adequate flow of traffic.

The location of your booth and the signage you use will have a direct result of your trade show success. Keep your focus on your booth's appearance. Use a banner to display your company logo, web address, and phone number. It's important you capture the attention of potential buyers with signage and color.

Lastly, when in doubt keep this short acronym in mind when in the preshow stages. K. I. S. S. Keep It Short and Simple or as I like to paraphrase Keep It Simple Stupid.

A Smash Hit Displays is always in favor of pre show preparation and learning what could become obstacles in the path of your trade show's success. All the points above are important and should be reviewed as should the remainder of the attached article. But, the point we stress it seems on a daily basis is the K.I.S.S. principle. It can't be understated how keeping your message simple makes your job and purpose easier. You need to remember you're usually advertising or marketing to the average bear. And as we all know average bears don't need to be knocked over the head to grab their attention. The following links will allow you many options to grab the average bear's attention: trade show stands, custom logo carpets, customized tradeshow exhibit, and lighted graphic booths.

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