Thursday, August 09, 2007

Lead Tracking for Trade Shows

One of the most important things we can impart on a customer is to FOLLOW UP with their leads immediately following their show. Over 79% of all leads are never followed up. That stems mainly from laziness. Don’t add to that statistic. Better yet make the most of your trade show debut by following up with potential customers. For in this ever changing multi faceted society of time poverty we must take or make the time to contact these people. Do the math. Most people aren’t following up which gives you a greater probability to close a deal because the competitive pool is lessened.
Our author offers some pointers on how to maximize that follow up routine.
Try assigning one person the responsibility of managing your company lead system. This will offer continuity in a most important area. They should be responsible for:
· Writing response letters
· Determining a fulfillment package
· Making sure the fulfillment packages are sent out in a timely manner
· Distributing leads among sales reps
· Developing a lead form to collect exactly the information your company needs
· Setting up a timetable/flowchart for following the leads
A Smash Hit Displays offer expert advice on the “follow up” and how it pertains to the trade show industry. Following that advice is the key to maximizing future business via your trade shows. All those willing to make the time to contact potential customers immediately will reap the rewards. To further understand such techniques, reach the attached article in its entirety.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, it becomes a lot easier for people, especially sales agents to do lead tracking if they can make use of a software, which will serve as their database. There are already some of them that are web-based and can be used for centralization, so updates are real-time and sales agents will not work on the same leads.

Anonymous said...

It should be essential, however, that one should go beyond lead tracking. They must be able to know how to score and prioritize their leads. It's actually the same thing when it comes to Internet leads.