In these tough economic times it is very easy to look for the lowest price and not to consider what the best value is. Recently, we have been getting a lot of reports in our company of people buying pop up displays on ebay. These pop up displays have very low quality standards and are often labeled “import” displays. These displays are very cheap in price and quality. We often get customers who have purchased one of these displays and come to after their first show because the display broke. They were trying to save money in the first place, but ended up paying more in the long run because the display did not hold up.
Smash Hit Displays has recently picked up a new pop up display line. They are the highest quality displays on the market and are priced lower than any American made pop up display. We run a lean, efficient company with low overhead so we can pass along the savings to our customers. We have often been asked why we do not sell some of the cheap pop up displays that are out there. It’s simply because we offer value to our customers. Our business philosophy is to create long term customers by offering the best products at the lowest prices as well as great customer service. It’s simple, if you do well, we do well and that’s the only way to do business.
A display purchase is more than just an object to use at trade shows; it is an important marketing mechanism used to generate leads and increase business. Purchasing a display needs to be thought out and researched and at Smash Hit Displays we can help you to purchase the best displays for your company’s needs. We do not believe in high pressure up-selling and will never try to get you to spend more money than your budget, we will just find the best display set up for the funds you have available.
Here is a link to a useful display shopping guide to help guide you through all your displays shopping.
Smash Hit Displays, LLC
that is right.i agree with you
nice post
These are some great displays to be an attention grabber for your booth. If you can find one that is well made, the price is worth it.
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